感谢您对圣灵预备学校的支持. Your gift helps ensure that we remain at the forefront of providing a classical Catholic education experience to all 学生. We are pleased to work with you in structuring gift opportunities to meet your philanthropic goals while best supporting the needs of the school. All gifts are subject to compliance with 圣灵预备学校 giving policies. 圣灵预备学校是501(c)(3), and contributions to the school are tax-deductible upon compliance with the Internal Revenue Code.
The 年度基金 is the cornerstone of our fundraising program for the school and provides vital financial support for the 项目 at HSP.
春晚是一场社区筹款活动,主题是“欢乐共融”,” bringing the extended community into a joyous celebration of our shared faith and school achievements.
GOAL is a state tax credit program that allows Georgia taxpayers to redirect a portion of their state tax payment to a private school of their choice. 这笔捐款将为你的州纳税义务提供一美元对一美元的抵免. 有了这些资金,HSP为合格的学生提供学费援助.
年度基金是HSP的年度捐赠计划和筹款的首要任务. Gifts to the HSP 年度基金 help us fulfill our mission of providing a classical Catholic education to 学生 from diverse backgrounds so we can better serve one another and the world around us. We encourage all members of the HSP community to participate in the giving campaign each year. 年度基金捐款可获扣税.
- St. 约瑟夫·卡拉桑兹级别50,000元或以上
- 美洲狮的水平$25,000 – $49,999
- 多诺霍水平$10,000 – $24,999
- 唐纳兰水平$5,000 – $9,999
- 狄龙水平$2,500 – $4,999
- 圣灵级$1,500 – $2,499
- 黄金级别$500 – $1,499
- 绿色的水平最高499美元
Credit card payments are accepted through our online giving portal and the GOAL payment processing system. 该门户还提供了通过相同链接进行银行转账的选项.
亚特兰大,GA 30327
请注明捐款人姓名. If donors wish to remain anonymous, the brokerage firm will not disclose their information.
We kindly ask that you also contact the Development Office in advance of this type of gift, 否则我们可能无法确定捐赠者的身份.
利用一份匹配的礼物,最大限度地利用你捐赠的每一美元. 数千家公司的项目将会翻倍, 甚至是雇员的三倍个人税收减免. 如果你的公司有配对礼物计划, please ask your human resources representative for a matching gift form to submit with your gift. 我们的开发部会处理剩下的事情.
有计划的礼物帮助圣灵预备学校确保我们的计划, 活动, 物质基础设施在今天和未来蓬勃发展, 同时保持学费负担得起. 带着精心准备的礼物, 你不仅做出了持久的支持声明, 但你也将成为明爱遗产协会的一员.
联系 us and we’ll be more than happy to help navigate how to contribute and take the tax credit. 谢谢您的支持.
You’re already paying income taxes to the state – why not redirect some of them to provide tuition assistance to financially eligible Holy Spirit Prep 学生?
这对纳税人来说是一个双赢的机会, 奖学金获得者, 我们的学校社区. By simply contributing to 格鲁吉亚的目标 for a 100% Georgia income tax credit – in other words, by contributing with dollars you must spend anyway – you will help maximize financial aid for deserving families seeking a 圣灵预备学校 education.
- 单一申报者:2500美元
- 已婚独立申报者:2500美元
- 已婚共同申报者:5000美元
- 直通业主(未进行HB 149选举)* - 25,000美元
- C公司, 信任, or Pass-Through electing to pay tax at the entity level (HB 149)* – 75% of annual tax liability
- 缴纳保险费税的企业-每年应纳税义务的75%, 但贷款额不得超过100万美元
Join us on April 27th, 2023 at Piedmont Driving Club for Holy Spirit Prep's 春晚! The 联欢晚会 is a community fundraiser with a focus on celebrating our shared faith and school achievements. 这个欢乐的十大靠谱彩票平台帮助我们接触到更广泛的社区.
4月6日, 2024, 圣灵预备学校社区的成员, 包括教职员工, 董事会成员, 父母, and friends of the school gathered at the Piedmont Driving Club for our 春晚, 庆祝我们的社区. The night served as a beautiful welcome to new members of our community and a warm reminder to the rest of us of how truly unique and blessed we are to be part of this communion of joy united in the Church’s vital mission.
Our deepest gratitude goes to our individual and corporate 赞助商, who made the event possible. All proceeds from the event went directly into supporting our school and our 学生, ensuring that we can continue to provide the highest quality classical Catholic education.
- 匿名
- 大卫和金·汉娜
- 弗兰克和莎莉·汉娜
- Cittadella
- 凯萨琳Magnusson
- 凯莉·罗斯制作公司
- 凯利·洛夫勒和杰弗里·斯普雷彻
- 桌子组
- 大卫和斯蒂芬妮·库西马诺
- Msgr. 爱德华·狄龙
- 托德和乔安·琼斯
- Canonbury房屋
- 埃里克和丹尼斯·甘德森
- 第一市民银行
- 雷格纳姆·克里斯蒂亚特兰大
- Andrew和Blair Gowasack
- 克里斯和玛格丽特·马丁
- 大卫和米歇尔·伯塔尼
- 爱德华和艾琳·桑切斯
- 创新的舒适解决方案
- Jean Paul和Bibiana De Santolo
- 乔恩和克里斯蒂·齐格勒夫妇
- 卢米斯慈善基金会
- 匿名
- 大卫和金·汉娜
- 弗兰克和莎莉·汉娜
- Cittadella
- 凯萨琳Magnusson
- 凯莉·罗斯制作公司
- 凯利·洛夫勒和杰弗里·斯普雷彻
- 桌子组
- 大卫和斯蒂芬妮·库西马诺
- Msgr. 爱德华·狄龙
- 托德和乔安·琼斯
- Canonbury房屋
- 埃里克和丹尼斯·甘德森
- 第一市民银行
- 雷格纳姆·克里斯蒂亚特兰大
- Andrew和Blair Gowasack
- 克里斯和玛格丽特·马丁
- 大卫和米歇尔·伯塔尼
- 爱德华和艾琳·桑切斯
- 创新的舒适解决方案
- Jean Paul和Bibiana De Santolo
- 乔恩和克里斯蒂·齐格勒夫妇
- 卢米斯慈善基金会
The Caritas Legacy Society honors those who have included Holy Spirit Prep in their estate plans. 通过向HSP承诺一份计划好的礼物, you can establish your legacy and give an excellent education for generations to come. Join the Caritas Legacy Society today and help us form 学生 into deeply faithful, 极其宽宏大量的男人和女人.
There are several ways you can include HSP in your planned giving both now and into the future:
- 特定遗赠(包括增值证券或资产)
- 来自个人退休帐户的合格慈善分配(如果您的年龄超过70岁半)
- 慈善信托基金
- 将HSP指定为退休账户或保险政策的受益人
要开始您的计划捐赠,请通过电子邮件与发展办公室联系 advancement@aamjiwnaang.com
- 家长义工协会
- 田径助推会
- 圣灵预备艺术联盟
- 信仰与家庭
家长志愿者协会(PVA)组织社会, 教育, and spiritual events each year to foster Holy Spirit Prep’s strong sense of community. All 父母 和祖父母 have abundant opportunities to support the PVA with their time, 人才, 和财富.
The 田径助推会 (HSPABC) recognizes that participation in school athletics benefits everyone. 除了提供财政支持, HSPABC旨在建立和加强志愿者之间的关系, 学生, 教练, 父母, 学校教职员工, 赞助商, 社区成员, 校友, 和祖父母.
艺术联盟(HSPAA)鼓励, 支持, and supplements the fine and performing arts curriculum and programming among 学生 and 教师 in a Catholic environment.
信仰和家庭是不可或缺的圣灵预备社区. 认识到父母是最重要的老师, 这些团体提供支持, 奖学金, and enrichment opportunities through various gatherings and retreats throughout the year.
The 家长义工协会 is a vital and dynamic volunteer group that 支持 圣灵预备学校 in its mission, 项目, 和活动, 包括:
- 提供志愿者机会,将学校社区团结在一起.
- 促进学校与家长之间的沟通.
- Supporting 教师 and enhancing existing school 项目 with volunteers, speakers, and resources.
All Holy Spirit Prep 父母 are automatically members of the 家长义工协会 and are encouraged to participate in the many volunteer opportunities available.
To register for a chairperson or volunteer position at events throughout the school year, 请填写下面的表格.
在圣灵预备学校, we encourage 父母 to be active both in their children’s education and their spiritual formation – through attending Mass as a family, 一起参加圣礼, 和更多的. 致力于信仰和家庭在教育中的首要地位, 我们的男士俱乐部和人脉会提供支持, 奖学金, 并通过全年的聚会和静修充实机会. 如果您有兴趣了解更多信息,请与教务处联系.
HSP男子小组每两周举行一次会议,重点是精神培育, 为HSP爸爸提供了一个机会, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友通过定期的社会活动互动和成长他们的信仰. 所有圣灵预备班的人都被邀请并鼓励参加. 欲了解更多信息,请联系HSP爸爸Jason Neff jneff01@gmail.com.
连接是一个HSP社区的妇女致力于促进祈祷, 灵命成长, 个人形成, 和奖学金. 我们的守护神是圣. Teresa of Calcutta, whose joyful testimony of love and spiritual motherhood is truly inspiring! 我们的座右铭是:“当你知道上帝是多么爱你。, 那么你就只能活在爱的辐射中.请与Erin Messer联系 erinjmesser@gmail.com 您是否希望加入或了解更多有关“连接妇女小组”的信息.